Jordan Year | Happy Birthday to Me

by - 2:30 PM

Hi, Dolls and Gents

It is my Jordan year. My birthday was on Saturday and I wanted to celebrate my 23rd, the right way of course. To go out with my friends and coworkers and drink and eat and then go to a 90s party for my cousin who turned 25!

This year, I didn't do a GRWM or a birthday tutorial. I will do a tutorial on the makeup that I wore for my birthday, but I thought I would share the makeup looks that I wore for my birthday weekend and my birthday outfit. Also, I didn't a good close up of my makeup on my birthday, but its okay. 

For the outfit, I will link items similar if I can't find the exact one. 

March 2 

This is a result of following a Jackie Aina's Basic to Baddie makeup tutorial!

March 3 

Makeup Deets
Outfit Deets 
I hope you like this mini-post for my birthday. If you want me to do some plus size shopping or fashion tips and tricks or even my favourites to browse and shop, comment down below. Don't forget to follow my blog! I will see you in my next post. 

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