Tips and Tricks for All Things Beauty

by - 11:00 AM

Hello Dolls and Gents, 

Today, we are going to talk about tip and trick in beauty. We are always looking for a trick to help apply certain things better and looking for tip to help with application. Here are my top 10 tips and trick for you. Let's get it started in here (IF YOU THE SONG THIS IS FROM). 

1. Soak your mascara tube in a cup of hot water to make the formula thinner and easier to apply 

2. Flawless lash application, cut the lash strip into 3 section and curl lashes while apply mascara 

3. Finally, a way to get rid of unwanted hair ANYWHERE! For 1 week, rub 2 tbsp coffee grounds mixed with 1 tsp baking soda. The baking soda intensifies the compounds of the coffee breaking down the hair follicles at the root!

4. Before patting on foundation, run an ice cube over your face, focusing on areas with enlarged pores. The cold water will cause pores to reduce in size and minimize their appearance under makeup. Icing these areas before your application of a primer can yield extra-smooth results fit for an ice queen. 

5.Do you want thicker lashes. Apply one coat of mascara and then apply powder and then another coat of mascara. Do this as many times as you want. 

6. Put your nail polish in the fridge 15 minutes before you apply it goes on smoother. I HAVE TRIED THIS AND I TRULY WORKS 

7. Apply Vaseline to your teeth, this helps keep lipstick off your teeth

8. Turn a pencil eyeliner into a gel formula with the help of a match or lighter

9. The Scotch-Tape trick for the perfect liquid liner cat's eye

10. When apply foundation with a painter brush, always apply using downward stroking NOT upward stroking 

Here is my top 10 tips and tricks to help any doll and gent out there. Comment, +1’d, and Share this post if you enjoyed the content. If you any requests, please leave those in the comment section below.

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