This Just In | New Shades add to Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer

by - 5:00 PM

Hey Dolls and Gents, 

So, I was browsing Sephora site like I do, and I check out the Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer and I noticed that they added new shades to the concealer. So, I thought I would go on YouTube and see if any YouTuber talked about this, but there is nothing.

So, Urban Decay released these concealer about a year ago, I made wrong, but a lot of people were not happy with the limited shade selection. I am not going to lie, I was bummed out when I saw the shade range, but because of the hype around it, I was going to buy it and try to make it work.  Now, they have released three new shades and travel size. Now, they have 11 shade and two travel size. 

Now the new shades are perfect for the darker dolls and gents out there, who found the the darkest shade 'Dark Neutral' was way too light. The three new shades are:

  • Dark Golden 
  • Dark Warm 
  • Deep Neutral 
The travel size are:

  • Light Neutral 
  • Med-Light Neutral 
They are available on Sephora and only Urban Decay CA (new shades). 

Now, I can finally try out this concealer. The concealer retails for $35 CAD, so if you have been wanting to try this concealer and 'Dark Neutral' was not your shade, now you can. 

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