Beauty Guide | WHAT IS YOUR UNDERTONE?????

by - 11:00 AM

Hey Dolls and Gents, 

Today, I am going to be teaching you all about undertone. Now, you are thinking, what are undertones. Well, your skin undertone is all dependent on the colour of your veins. You veins help determine whether or not you have a cool or warm or neutral skin undertone.

Knowing your skin undertone plays a huge role when choosing the right foundation shade. It is the most important tool in the makeup industry. Every makeup company keep this in mind makeup foundation shade. So, here is the break down of skin undertones. 

There are three main undertones:
COOL - pinky/blue undertone, usually they have blue veins 
WARM - golden/yellow undertone, usually they have green veins
NEUTRAL - not so obvious undertone, usually they have mix of blue and green, it is hard to tell 

Olive is sometimes a fourth undertone but it still falls under NEUTRAL 

Here is a few test to help find your undertone: 

1. Check your veins - go in natural daylight and look at the wrist. What colour to see? If you see blue veins, you're COOL. If you see green veins, you're WARM. If you can't tell, you're NEUTRAL

2. Jewelry Test - If you look good in silver, you probably have a cool undertone. If you look better in gold, then you're warm. If you look good in both, you're probably neutral.

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