What's Your Face Shape? | Beginners Beauty Guide

by - 11:00 AM

Hey Dolls and Gents, 

Have you watched your favourite beauty guru apply makeup and you like OMG she or he looks so gorgeous. Then you try it on yourself, but it does not look right. Well, I'm here to tell you that it probably because y'all don't have the same face shape. Face shape matters when apply makeup, especially contour, highlight, bronzer, and blush. Today, I'm going to help you with that, I teach all the different face shapes and how to apply each product to a certain face shape. Let's get it started:

There are three categories of face shapes and category has 2-4 subcategories:

  • Round Shape 
    • Oval - round forehead, tapering cheeks and chin + most universal face shape
    • Round - round forehead, full cheeks and smooth jawline
    • Long/Oblong - round forehead, tapers to chin 
  • Square Shape
    • Square - square forehead and jaw, full cheeks, almost as wide as it is long 
    • Rectangle - squared forehead and jaw, longer than it is wide 
  • Angular Shape 
    • Heart - rounded forehead and sharply tapered chin
    • Inverted Triangle - square forehead and sharply tapered chin 
    • Diamond - narrow forehead and jaw with fuller cheek
    • Pear - narrow forehead and widest at the jawline
Take this face shape quiz:

Start by pulling your hair back and looking into a mirror 
Look into a mirror and answer the following questions:

1. What best describes your forehead 
      a. Square 
      b. Angular 
      c. Round 

2. What best describes your jawline and chin?
       a. Square
       b. Pointed 
       c. Full or Round 

3. Describe the width of your face?
      a. Wide
      b. Average 
      c. Narrow 

4. What do you see most?
       a. Angles
       b. Sharp Angles 
       c. Smooth rounded curves 

Find the matching group:

Mostly C: Rounder Face 

You're in the round family, now which fits your face shape best:

Oval - round forehead, tapering cheeks and chin + most universal face shape

Round - round forehead, full cheeks and smooth jaw line

Long/Oblong - round forehead, tapers to chin

Mostly A: Square Face

You're in the square family, its because your square forehead and jaw give you away:

Square - square forehead and jaw, full cheeks, almost as wide as it is long 

Rectangle - squared forehead and jaw, longer than it is wide 

Mostly B: Angular Face 

You're in the angular face, it's becomes your face has some many angles: 

Heart - rounded forehead and sharply tapered chin

Inverted Triangle - square forehead and sharply tapered chin 

Diamond - narrow forehead and jaw with fuller cheek

Pear - narrow forehead and widest at the jawline

Now that you know your face shape, now it how you apply contour, highlight, blush, and bronzer to that face shape. 

For Contour, Highlight, Bronzer, and Blush: 
  • Oval
    • Contour:  Lightly along the hairline and temples and under the cheekbones
    • Highlight:The centre of the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, from the brow bone to cheekbones in a C-shape, and the centre of the chin 
    • Bronzer: Apply bronzer in the shape of 3 at the sides of your face 
    • Blush: Don't apply blush on the apples of your cheek, this makes your face look wider, but instead sweep upward to give your face a lift, do the 'duck face'
  • Round
    • Contour:the edges of the face, from the temples to the jawline, and in the hollows of the cheeks
    • Highlight:the center of the hairline to the center of the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, the cheekbones under the outer corners of the eyes, and the center of the chin
    • Bronzer: the edges of the face, from the temples to the jawline
    • Blush:Don't apply blush on the apples of your cheek, this makes your face look wider, but instead sweep upward to give your face a lift, do the 'duck face'
  • Long/Oblong
    • Contour:Entire hairline at the top of forehead, hollows of cheeks (make the 'fish face' to find) and bottom of chin 
    • Highlight: Above cheekbones (a little higher than where you put blush)
    • Bronzer: Apply bronzer to entire hairline at the top of forehead and on your jawline 
    • Blush:Apply blush to apples of the check and blend toward the ear, almost create a horizontal line across the face
  • Square/Rectangle
    • Contour:the temples and from the hollows of the cheeks to the jawline
    • Highlight:the center of the hairline and the center of the forehead, above and below the outer edges of the brows, and the center of the chin
    • Bronzer: the sides of the forehead and jawline 
    • Blush:Don't apply blush on the apples of your cheek, this makes your face look wider, but instead sweep upward to give your face a lift, do the 'duck face'
  • Heart/Inverted Triangle
    • Contour:  the temples, the sides of the cheeks, and the chin 
    • Highlight: the center of the hairline to the center of the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, above and below the outer edges of the brows, the chin just below the lower lip, and to the sides of the mouth
    • Bronzer: the sides of the forehead and slightly lower your cheekbones 
    • Blush:avoid applying blush too high and instead apply it slightly lower than the cheekbones or you can apply a small amount on the apple and blend it out but remember to leave a gap at the cheekbones. 
  • Diamond
    • Contour:Sides of the face starting at the temples moving down to just pass the hollows of of cheeks, no further 
    • Highlight: Focus on the forehead, the cheekbones under the outer corner of your eye, and chin (apply highlight horizontally)
    • Bronzer: Apply to the outer edges of the cheeks and temples, avoid the middle face 
    • Blush: Apply to upper most part of your cheeks and blended toward your temples
  • Pear
    • Contour: Focus mostly on the sides of the face from about the ears down
    • Highlight: Apply under the eyes to the temples, bridge of nose and under your nose, forehead (but instead of going vertically, apply your highlight in an horizontally), and chin 
    • Bronzer:Apply to your jawline to slim jaw 
    • Blush: Apply blush along the cheekbones toward the temples or fuller area of the cheeks

Highlight and Contour for All Face Shapes

I hope this helped some of you, when it comes to your face shape and highlight, contouring, bronzing, and blush. I will discuss different eye shapes in a later post. Comment, +1’d, and Share this post if you enjoyed the content. If you any requests, please leave those in the comment section below.

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  1. Hey, I just came across your website and took the quiz. According to the quiz, I'd be a cross between an angular and rounder face shape since I have B's (Round forehead and average face width) and C's (pointed jaw). What face shape do you think I have? Here's a picture of me:https://yt3.ggpht.com/-yxC47LQiJmQ/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/Zibd8Gc2ibQ/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg
