HOW TO: Build the Perfect Skincare Routine

by - 11:00 AM

Hello Dolls and Gents, 

Are you on the hunt to find the perfect skincare routine that will help improve your skin. Well, I know how hard it is to find the right products and steps to get the perfect skincare routine. It becomes a trial and error process when building your skincare routine and I know that from experience and I continue to struggle with it. 

I started my skincare routine last year, after my first year of university I wanted to get rid of all my acne/blemishes, control my oiliness, and clean my pores, blackhead, and whitehead. Making a skincare routine was very important to me and I wanted to make sure I did it right. I did a lot of research and I had to understand my skin much better and understand what product will work and not work for me. I really wanted to nail it and have a strong skincare routine. I have yet to have all the product I want to build my perfect skincare, but I am working on it. 

Today, I wanted to shared the information that I learned to choosing the right products for my skin and making sure I understand what products will help me with my skin issues. If you would like to learned how to build your perfect skincare routine, just keep on reading. 

Know Your Skin Type 

The most important thing in creating the perfect skincare routine is knowing your skin type. This question is also asked when your are looking for the perfect foundation for your face. Knowing your skin type, allows you to know which products are suitable for your skin type and what areas you would like to focus on. When you're looking for you skin type, it may overlap. for example normal - sensitive or combo-oily or dry/oily, etc. There are five skin types:

Normal Skin 

If you have normal skin,then your skin balanced, clear, and not sensitive. Some characteristics: 
  • Neither dry nor oil 
  • Blemish free
  • Appears smooth and clear- pores are nearly invisible 
  • Very few discolourations or variance of tone/pigment 

Oily Skin 

If you have oily skin, then your skin shiny, greasy, and you may have big pores. Some characteristics:
  • Shiny appearance
  • Enlarged pores
  • Prone to acne and blackheads

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin,  then your skin is flaky, scaly, or rough. Some characteristics:
  • Flaky, dry, red patches 
  • Tight appearance with smaller pores
  • Looks dull or lackluster 
  • Wrinkles and fine lines may develop easily 

Sensitive Skin 

If you have sensitive skin, then your skin is experience stinging, burning, or itch  after you use more makeup products or other products. Some characteristics: 
  • Blotchy patches
  • Redness spots
  • Prone to rashes and irritation 
  • Broken capillaries 
  • May feel itching or burning 

Combination Skin

If you have combination skin, then your skin is dry in some parts (cheeks) and oily in others (forehead, nose, and chin). Some characteristics:
  • Areas around the forehead and nose may be oily 
  • Area around the eyes, hair, and jaw line may be dry 
  • Prone to blackheads 
  • Large Pores 

Products for your Skin Type 

Now, that you know what your skin type is, it's time to choose products that is catered to  your skin type. Make sure you have these four components:
  • Cleanser 
  • Toner 
  • Exfoliator 
  • Moisturizer  


It is important that your RESEARCH and find good reviews that you will help you narrow down your search for the right products. Research is a main part of finding the skincare routine. I recommend using MakeupAlley

Skin Care Regimen

 Now, that you know your skin type, which products caters to your skin type. It now to build your skin regimen. It's important to have two skincare regimen, one for the morning and one for the night. Your morning routine is about cleaning and have a fresh face. You nightime routine focus on replenishing your skin because of your long day. 

Trial and Error to the Perfect Skincare Regimen 

Now, its time to do some trial and error to find YOUR perfect skincare regimen. Find your products that is perfect for your skin type, but if it does not work then try a different product, until you are happy with your results. 

Hope this helps many of you to begin your skincare regimen. I am thinking about doing some skincare recommendations for each skin type to help you guys out, the whole nine yards. 

Don't forget to +1'd, share, and comment below for any requests.

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  1. Skincare routine please

    1. Yeah, I will do a skincare routine, just want to get some more products and restock.
