Fact or Fiction | SPF (Sun Protection Factor)

by - 5:00 PM

Hello Dolls and Gents, 

Since the summer is basically here, it is about time we focus on SPF. SPF is really important because everyone needs to be protected from the UV Rays. Today, I am going to be discussing fact or fiction of SPF. There is a lot of fact or fiction about SPF, and today I am going to debunk them because in all reality, it is important to inform yourself about this, so you are more well aware of how and what sunscreen can help you.  

If you did not know SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. 

Wearing SPF on regular basis can save your life.

FACT | Sun exposure is the #1 cause of skin cancer, and wearing sunscreen (or any product with SPF regularly) can help cut the chances of you getting skin cancer in half. There are many types of skin cancer, and not all of them are seen with the naked eye. If you see any odd looking spots or discolorations on your skin, notify your doctor ASAP. Sun damage is the #1 cause to premature aging. Make sure to wear moisturizer with SPF to help keep your skin soft for longer. 

You only need to wear sunscreen when you're going to the beach. 

FICTION | There is many reasons cosmetics companies are putting SPF in everything nowadays. UV Rays can penetrate in your skin EVERY day...in the winter, when it's cloudy, when you're walking to your care, while you're sitting next to the window and it is smart to protect your skin no matter what is you're doing. 

One ounce of sunblock is the correct amount for your entire body. 

FACT | An entire ounce of traditional cream sunscreen is recommended amount for covering the average person's body to achieve the amount of sun protection indicated by the SPF in the bottle. Think about, most foundations bottles contain one ounce of product, in fact it is impossible to glob on thick layer. But, when you use less sunscreen, you have less effective and more spotty sun protection will be. To avoid the headache, apply your SPF in layers, apply one thin layer all over your skin and allow it to dry and then apply a second ayers. This will help the SPF absorb fully and you can get all the protection without the grease. BONUS FACT | It actually take only a full tablespoon to cover your entire face properly!

Waterproof sunscreen isn't actually waterproof.

FACT | Although, waterproof sunscreen hold up better than regular sunscreen, you will have to have to reapply your sunscreen every time you get out of the water.

SPF causes breakouts

FICTION | It's is not the sun protection that is clogging your pores. If you are having breakouts after using sunscreen, chances are you are using a product that is not right for your skin. Just like moisturizers, SPF products are not one size fits all. If you feel  that your sunscreen is causing you to breakout, switch to a oil-free version that is more lightweight, and more intended for your face. The thinner texture, are non-comedogenic and allow your skin to breathe.

The SPF you apply in the morning is good enough to last you all day. 

FICTION | Read the back of any product that contains SPF, and it will tell you that you must reapply every two hours in order to maintain adequate sun protection. This seems that a lot of reapplying, but if you are going to be out in the sun, reapplying is crucial. Pick a lightweight sunscreen or makeup product with SPF so that layering isn't a difficult task throughout the day. 

You can layer SPFs to create a higher level of SPF. 

FICTION | Putting on an SPF 20 over a SPF 45 is not going to give you an SPF 65, you will only get the coverage of the highest SPF, which is SPF 45. However, layering SPF is going to give you a higher concentration of your SPF, protecting you more thoroughly.

SPF 15 gives maximum protection.

FICTION | SPF 15 protects against 93%* of UV rays. SPF 30 protection about 97%* of UV rays, and SPF 50 gives 98%* protection. With anything above SPF 50, the difference is very minimal. *- statistics from the skin cancer foundation website 

SPF can make your face look white in pictures.

FACT | Foundations and powder with SPF in them can cause a white flashback in flash photography. The iron oxides in sunscreen and has a reflective quality. For special events, pick a foundation with no SPF, or use bronzer to help counteract the ghostly effect. 

People with dark skin don't need to wear sunscreen.

FICTION | People of colour or with melanin are still affected by the sun's damaging UV rays. Darker skin can develop skin cancer, there are actually certain types of skin cancers that are only found in people of colour, and UV rays will age dark skin as well. It is important to protect your skin.  If you are worried about traditional sunscreen looking ashy on your skin, then look for a oil free sunscreen, they are just as effective and are colourless and absorbs quickly in the skin. 

I hope that is was helpful to many of you and you all learned something new. SPF is really important, so the next you go out your adventure in the sun, make sure to have your SPF on you at ALL TIMES. Don't forget to comment, share and follow my blog to keep update with the latest post. The follow is free!

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  1. Cool, I didn't know half the things listed! Thanks for the insight.
